hlcrotsley Member


  • Fat Head was terrible. I haven't found a good documentary yet....
  • I think 1200 is too low unless you're very skinny and sedentary already. I track now as a Paleo just to see how much I am really eating. I am not eating enough because I am not hungry!! Trying to add (more) fats to each meal to boost my intake so I can start losing again. I am also "slipping" a lot on weekends. Having…
  • I feel your pain. I switched just a few weeks ago and I've seen my grocery bills go through the roof! I opted for non-organic produce and meat and there's a farmers market on Saturdays where I can get my veggies. I got a HUGE head of cauliflower for $1 last week! Actually, I bought a few, prepped them and froze what I…