

  • endurance, confidence, flexibility. You just seem to get your mojo back on track. Can be the top for a change:-)
  • I would much rather have a real pizza I make myself, with whole grain flour. I make a very thin crust, and then put a sauce made with crushed tomatoes on it..plus lots of grilled vegetables and some low fat pizza cheese. This is a treat, however, and not something I do all the time. I make sure I have done my daily hour of…
  • Hi, well now I don't feel alone. I call it my muffin top. I am toned all over, but can't get rid of the belly. I do core workouts, and am very strong, but nothing seems to help. I am a size 14 usually, but right now the 14s wont fit my belly. So I go to a 16, and the legs are baggy. I get so darn frustrated. Diana