

  • I'm in! Started yesterday, 2/4! I can barely move today! I am doing the kickstart....so far have followed to the T!! My energy level is great....my hunger is under control....no headaches! Other than the pain....it's a win, win for me! Starting weight: 201.0
  • Ok, ladies...... Day 1 of the 7 day kickstart completed and I cant move today! Ugh, my body hurts so bad. However, as far as the eating goes, Day 1 was pretty simple for me to follow. I don't like salmon, but found I didn't really taste it on the salad! Here's to Day 2. Do you guys have Facebook? I was thinking of starting…
  • I just finished drinking a bunch of water mixed with Spark and taking my vitamins. Gonna go do the workout now and then start with my yogurt breakfast! Glad to meet others starting today!!
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