

  • The week between Christmas & New Years I had weird incident where a combination of a cold, some sleep apnea and some acid reflux (damn late night pizza) induced a really nasty asthma attack. I woke up and couldn't get a more than a fraction of a breath in at a time for the better part of a couple of minutes. Scared the…
  • There used to be times that I would eat a large bag (16 oz?) of Tim's Cascade Hawaiian Sweet Onion kettle chips in about a 1 hour sitting. When I started counting calories and realized what I had done to myself with all the calories, fat & sodium, I was horrified. To this day I can't even look at the bags in the store…
  • Amen. The wife and I have been together for 11 years (married for 7). There is more to love than how you are emotionally feeling at any point in time. There are times when I am frustrated beyond exasperation with my wife, and times she feels the same way about me. There are times when we are so much in touch with each…
  • I'm a blue cheese junkie and I was horrified when I really started paying attention to the calories in the pre-made dressiings. But I've come up with a pretty good alternative - Non-fat plain greek yogurt, light blue cheese crumbles, pepper, lemon juice, and some rice vinegar. Depending on the ratios of cheese to yogurt…
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