

  • I cannot take hormonal birth control for that same reason, and the fact that my mood swings are really bad too. I would recommend the copper IUD, no hormones, no fuss....and you can get it out when you want to try and have a baby again.
  • Totally agree with you 100%! Getting out there and doing it is much better than just sitting on the couch, and you feel better about yourself. Good for you!!!
  • I have been where you started, and it is SO HARD to reach the breaking point and actually DO something about it. Good for you! Keep up the great work.
  • I weigh everyday as well. I don't think it's unhealthy, but it is if you obsess over the numbers. I have tried to put the scale away, but I find it every morning to see my latest weight. I think the only way to avoid everyday weigh-ins would be to get rid of the scale!!