

  • Baking soda in the Wash cycle, Vinegar in the Rinse cycle. NO fabric softener, or dryer sheets. They just deposit a layer of crud on your workout clothes that may act as an allergen and that will mix with your funk and amplify it. The only quick fix I can recommend other than to wash it is to spray it with heavy duty…
  • Joyce Vedral presents good workouts that promise to help build or maintain muscle while helping to lose weight. While they might seem to be geared specifically to women, the workouts themselves are unisex and provide a solid foundation for anyone. When I get to a place where I can take time for myself and do the workouts…
  • Ditto on swearing by rice cookers. Even cheap little ones do a great job on brown rice. You will need to start it about 45 minutes before eating or using time - and even if it goes to "Warm" before then - don't lift the lid. Let it steam. You'll be glad you did.
  • On the run breakfast - a banana and 12-16 ounces of orange juice. Under 300 cals and will keep you going well into mid morning.