

  • I love Mimi! She makes me laugh SO hard when she does the Good Mornings and Jillian has her walk us throu it. (Wo 4)
  • Definatly measure everything. I have ran into this with several of the recipes. And its not just a little off but A LOT off. The chicken salad with red grapes and the tuna wrap are two that are for sure way off. I now measure everything and just build the recipe here.
  • Day 1 for me (just saying that gets me gitty) I'm about to have lunch and am just so excited...You see...I obsesse about food. Always thinking about what I'm going to eat and how many calories its ganna be cuz I am NEVER prepared. have my lunch made and my snack made and my dinner planned...Its very freeing :tongue:
  • @ kschristine - Detail away!!! I find LOTS of help in other peoples details. I might find something that will apply to what I am doing and help. Thanks for the share! Good Luck!
  • I'm starting 2/27/12 as well!!! Getting everything together and ready. Decided to do the Fast Track. Looking very much forward to it :) Good Luck to you and everyone!