

  • I have to say that I have NOT found this to be true (at least for me). I eat between 50 and 75 g carbs daily. Have for over 15 months. I'm MORE alert and happier than I have been in the last 20 yrs. Now, I do find that if I lower my protein (under 100 g / which would be about 50 g per normal person, due to bariatric…
  • I LOVE BSN Lean desserts fresh cinnamon bun and I use 1 scoop, make a sludge (use cold water to get it liquidy but not too much) and add my hot coffee to it. Voila! Protein coffee....20 g protein just for drinking my morning coffee! :) I also like vanilla bean or any brand vanilla protein powder...but any flavor you would…
  • Can't say that walking has been timed....spent most of the week running a lady to dr appointments (new job I have) and haven't been able to. Today .... I mowed the lawn for 1/2 hour and raked and weeded the garden. Monday I will be starting to walk in the a.m. with my daughter....soooo not a good this week blast it any…
  • Ok, bad start Monday didn't cuz of weather, today I walked about 20 minutes around a store, still raining here...:( Maybe it will quit so I can walk for a bit tonight, otherwise I'm pulling out my walk video and doing it for a bit, gotta get some in!
  • I would love to do this, I have another 40 lbs to go and would like to have them off by the end of the summer....but however long it takes I'm not going to complain lol. I LOVe to walk, but am not inspired and hope that maybe with you all I could be. I do have a question, how do you know you walk a mile? I live small town…
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