

  • Thank you CallejaFairey! Glad to know for the future.
  • This to me is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon. I swear sometimes I was born in the wrong era.
  • Willpower :happy: Seriously it is a lifestyle change. I read a ton of stuff on the internet about what I was doing wrong and how to go about changing it. I took everything with a grain of salt, and came up with my routine that works for me. It's still early and I'm still playing with some aspects of it. Once I reach my…
  • I have had this problem since starting my journey in January. I eat out every day for lunch. I work with my dad and we have always eaten out. So instead of breaking his habits to fit my new lifestyle, I adapted. I have been to numerous restaurants to where I thought I would not be able to stick with it. But here's the…