pams132 Member


  • I had lost 20lbs -- within 6 lbs of my under goal weight and packed 15 back on. That was 2 years ago. Smallest weight in my mid-30's 134. I hope i remember how hard it is to lose a pound if i fall of the wagon - maybe i will get back on it quicker then before. I find my "time of the month" can make me deranged for 2wks…
  • Quick foods for on the go: Instead of 2 bagels with cream cheese. : Try making a bagel with peanut butter. Eat half . Next 2 min break eat the second half. : banana : individual greek yogurts _recommend Oikos or Liberte_ usually 100g..LOTS of protein (keeps u full) :almonds (5 a day before 2pm keeps you going) : boil 5…