

  • Some of us extremely heterosexual men are simply comfortable enough with our own sexuality and devoted enough to our women that we can go to a movie like Magic Mike without any issues other than hopefully seeing an interesting movie. Revel in your husband's advanced mindset. A lot of men and women could learn a lot from…
  • Cheese is high in calories so if you're watching your calories then it will use up a lot of them in a relatively small amount of food.
  • Healthy woman is preferable to large breasts, small breasts or even any breasts at all. Healthy and happy beats everything.
  • I understand how you feel. I personally have made a big point to never tell someone I'm proud of them because I didn't want to imply that I was taking any credit for their actions. But then a very intelligent former English teacher explained to me the idiomatic nature of the usage of proud in the sense that is bothering…
  • I'm not stubborn, I'm doggedly persistent. Arizona Diet Peach Tea has 15 mg of caffeine per 8 ounces. Drinking 8 cups per day puts it at the low end of a regular cup of caffeinated coffee. I usually add to that somewhere between 8 and 32 ounces of actual coffee. Which puts me under the amount of caffeine you can have…
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