amylou7777 Member


  • Welcome! This is my second day too and I am loving it so far. I'm trying to track before I eat so I don't go over--I'm starting to get the hang of it!
  • Congrats and keep it up!! Pre planning before a dinner out is SO smart. Those restaurants will get ya, even when you think you are being "good"!!
  • I'm almost done with Day one!!! Can you guys see my food diary? I can only see AmyNJ's right now. I'd love to be able so see y'alls! I like knowing that my diary is an open book, makes it kind of like checking in at LAWL where they would check off in your food diary. I called AmyNJ out earlier-but am SO proud that she was…
  • Yay Lettie! You are too funny! Lettie and I met on another online diet forum that shall remain nameless! My name is Amy and I'm SO sick of being the fat girl. I've been overweight since the third grade!! I lost about 60lbs in college when I did a relaxed atkins diet for three years. I gained it all back after I graduated…