I just bought a Nike running tank that was labeled "longer length". I ran a half marathon in it this past weekend and it stayed put.
With me, it's all mental. If I know I have a 4-5 mile run planned, that's the max I can do before wanting to quit. However, my weekend long runs are around 8-9 miles right now, and I can make that no problem on those days. Seems like whatever distance I have in my head that day becomes my comfort distance!
Just set a PR of 55:23 a few weeks ago.
I disagree that the only way to become a better runner is to run only. Since I added a day of strength training and a day of Pilates to my regimine, my running has improved in both speed and endurance. I follow Hal Higdon's training plans (I'm currently training for a half marathon) and he encourages cross training in his…
I finished my first half in 2:14:04 and my second in 2:16:06. It was miserably hot and humid for my second which made me lose time. I'm running my third in June and my goal is to get under 2:10.
I am a SAHM to two kids - 4 years and 11 months. I run on my treadmill during my younger son's morning nap, and my older son either plays on the computer, watches TV or plays in the basement where my treadmill is. I save my long runs for Saturday or Sunday mornings when my husband is home to take care of them. On the days…
I run 4 days a week and I have this problem once in a while. It happens! I just chalk it up to a bad run and wait for the next run to go well!
My training plan has been: Mondays - Tempo runs/speedwork, up to 5 miles Tuesdays - Strength training for 40 minutes Wednesdays - Run 5-6 miles Thursdays - Pilates Fridays - Run 3-4 miles Saturdays - Long run, up to 8 miles last week Sundays - Rest I did a short interval run this Monday, light strength training (no legs)…
Thanks everyone. I did a 25 minute routine of yoga for runners and I might do some light cycling later on tonight with my family. Tomorrow will definitely be a rest-and-do-nothing day!
I weigh myself every day, before a shower and after I work out. That's when I seem to weigh the least!
I'm a stay at home mom to two boys, ages 4 and 10 months.
I agree with the other posters...try C25K and add in some strength training.
Good for you for running for an hour! On the treadmill if I'm doing that long of a run I set the speed at 6 mph, or a 10 minute mile. That's 6 miles in an hour. I think 5 is a good goal to shoot for!
Running helped me lose my pregnancy weight from both pregnancies (51 pounds for #1, 41 pounds for #2). It gives me an outlet to relieve stress and has also help keep my PPD at bay without using antidepressants.
I have two boys, a 4 year old and a nearly 10 month old.
Just ran 5 miles on the treadmill.
I'm currently training for a 10K, and I'm only running 4 days a week. I do Pilates one day a week and strength training one day a week so I end up with only one rest day a week from exercising, but 3 days a week rest from running. It has really done wonders for my speed and endurance. If you're consistently running 3 miles…
I always heard that if the illness is from the neck up (head cold, etc.), you're okay to work out as normal. If it's from the neck down (stomach issues, etc.), best to rest. My oldest son just got over a stomach virus and this morning I felt slightly achy and nauseous. I still hit the treadmill with the intention of taking…