

  • I'm a slacker slacker slacker. (Could this be why I never lose weight?) I promise to try and get back on track this week. I am adding exercise, which is a great thing. A gf and I have a 9:30 p.m. *yawn* gym date 3x a week, and I usually have hockey at least once. I know it's a crazy gym time...but it's the only one we can…
  • I'm hockeygirl13 from BBC. My name was taken here, what's up with that? My kids are '04 and '07, so here I am! I need to lose...umm..90 lbs. Did I really just type that? Went to the doc for a physical a few weeks back, my good and bad cholesterol are fine, but the overall number sucks b/c my triglicerides are high. So here…