

  • Hello, i recently hit a weight loss wall! my goal was 1200 calories but i wasn't eating the calories burned back so i was NET-ing around 800-900 calories SO this week i've upped my calorie goal to 1500 and trying to get a net of 1200 by snacking on cashew nuts :D But i just wanted to give some advice for the many people…
    in CALORIES Comment by catcrawf3 May 2012
  • I try and weigh myself every 4 weeks and try and aim for the same time everyday because your weight fluctuates throughout the day so the best way to get an accurate reading is to weigh at the same time of day. Plus i NEVER weigh myself when i'm on my period haha i'm emotional at that time of the month anyway it just makes…
  • Yes! i always log mine because then i get a more accurate reading when it estimates how much i'll weigh in 5 weeks. I downloaded a good pedometer app for my iPhone so when i go for a run, go shopping or just go for a walk if i've over eaten i can see how many calories i've burned which is pretty handy :D. Created by…