I'm in. Hmm a group name....
Thanks for this info. I feel like my mind is realing. It was so much easier when I lost weight at 20 before kids!
A Costco hot dog is 500 calories! Too bad I didn't read that before I ate one! oops
I've been visiting family for a week and have not had a home cooked meal since last Tuesday. Ahhh
I'm not doing so hot. I'm in California for a funeral and have been on the go with family since Thursday. Trying to make good choices when you eat out every meal is HARD. I've ordered a lot of salads. I keep forgetting to track my eating.
I didn't notice the scanner. That is too cool.
Yay. I'm so glad we are doing this together. I'm Lisa, h2oladybug from BBC. I am in need of a buch of weight loss. Yay for motivation!