

  • Hi - I just turned 30 and have 3 kids under 5 and I also really want to get back to the weight I was before kids . I gained alot when I was pregnant with my twins and have about 20 pounds to lose. Good luck to you - hope it goes well. This site is a great help Cheers Kath
    in new here! Comment by kathh November 2007
  • Hey there , I am also from SA Cape Town to be exact. Good luck with your weight lose. I have been on the site for a week and it is really working well. Its a great site. I joined a bit late cause I wanted to lose a few kilo's by my birthday but I turn 30 on Friday so I will have to set a new goal . Although I did lose 2…
  • Hi I joined the site today and must say it is the best one I have come across. It really helps to keep you on track. I am really looking forward the the next few weeks and hope I can stick to my eating plan. I am gonna take my dogs for a walk now. Looking forward to hearing lots of success stories Cheers kath Cape Town SA
  • Hi I also joined today. Good Luck to you. The site is great it definitley helps keep track of everything. Look forward to hearing from you guys Cheers Kath
    in New!!! Comment by kathh November 2007