

  • This. I hate when people say "you aren't fat"!! I never said I was, but who is anyone to tell me at what weight I should be happy? lol
  • Well my highest was 162 when I was working as a temp for an elections office. In 4 months I gained 32 lbs. It was all the sitting around and eating. All anyone ever did in that office was bring in food. My hubby was overseas jan-july last year and in that time period I took off 20 lbs. When he got back I took off another…
  • Well the ideas for healthy low calorie snacks I've come across are: zero calorie jellos 6 packs celery carrots cucumber broccoli low calorie fudge pops I am trying to drink some hot tea when I feel the urge to snack coming on. I add a little sweet n low and it makes it sweet, but it's still calorie free.