Try "Stevia" is an all natural substatute to suger and taste like the real thing ....
Put it in yogout or Juice .....
Ok I'm new here ... what the heck is bump? What does it mean ? sorry :embarassed:
"Genuine Health" from Organic ile; Proteins + calcuim with natural sweet berry - its also support weight loss !!!
Go Organic - with Proteins + calcuim drink - Check out "Lorna Vanderhaeghe" she a nutrtionalist and well known for her research and books..... Pack your lunch with lots of veggies and protien !!!! :smile:
thanks guys.... I thought it was to good to believe .... Att. link is the Powfit vibrating machine
Thank you guys for your replies, I found out from a source who has the Machine; 10 min equals 500-700 cal .loss... humm
Id love to join you guys in your 1000min challenge this month. = 40 min a day hummm, I'll try. I have a question for you Fitness and Exercise group. I have a Giggle Gym (vibrating exercise machine) called the PowerFit - Does any one have this machin?. I need to know how many calories it burns. Greatly appreciate your help.…
Hi kayla I too need help or incouragement. I'd like help you ..... Have you seen ? listen to the video. No need to sign up. Any question ask, I'll try to help. Lynn :smile: