I usually go into shopping with an idea of what I have, what I need and see whats on sale to determine which direction we go in. Sometimes we have lots of meat (there was a sale this week) sometimes not so much.. I tend to get frozen veggies on sale, especially the mixes and green beans. We buy meat on sale and portion.…
Death! lol -
me too :D
roti canai
sake don and roast duck stolen from my sisters plate.
you could totally do the same thing with some many tasty variations canolli cream, add in some cream cheese and heavy cream too. omg.
If you've been cleared by your doctor, I would just start trying things out. Experiment and see what makes you feel good and what you like doing. Something you dread isn't going to lead to good results because you won't do it. Something which really helped me after having three abdominal/pelvic surgeries was trying…
mine is open.
Today I had a sourdough dinner roll, wedge of brie cheese and mixed green based salad. For breakfast I'm a fan of greek yogurt and some sort of granola or cereal and an apple.
The steamfresh bags of pasta and veggies in sauce are really good. I eat those at work a lot. My cousin who's a truck driver swears by peanut butter and bananas or apples when he's in a trouble spot and doesn't know what to eat. If you can store them - the bags of steam-in-bag veggies are good because they're usually on…
Great job! Make sure you find a calorie level that you can happily and healthily maintain with a fun-filled exercise routine to help you maintain in the long run! I hate the gym but love hiking and swimming and dance so I hope you have something to that makes you happy and active
I find myself eating these alot: yogurt and either berries or cereal/granola birdseye steamfresh veggie packets mixed greens (in different mixes) and in the summer, salt bagels. woot!
yup - I get slightly better coffee now and weaned off the sugar. I drink it with a bit of whole milk or half and half.
Hey For your kindle - The Remedy by Supa Nova Slom is a great book if you're looking into investigating better health. While it does offer a "detox" plan the book also focuses on teaching yourself better eating habits, listening to what you body says (like hunger vs thirst vs emotion) and has lots of recipes. I think its a…
Generic - Coffee With 2% Milk Qty: of Celery - Raw Qty: of Carrots - Raw Qty: of Deli - Bacon Egg and Cheese on A Roll Qty: of Strawberries - Raw Qty: of Lettuce - Mixed Greens Qty: of Apples - Raw, with skin Qty: of Radishes - Raw Qty: of Cabbage - Red, raw Qty: of Best Choice - Sliced Almonds Natural Sliced Qty: of…
I love chipotle and subway because I can really control how much goes on where. I also try to keep some apples or relatively shelf-stable fruit on hand so that I can pair like a 6 inch sub or half a burrito with an apple. Depends really on the goals for the day.
$115- but I don't wear glasses or anything so I think I get off easy.
Hey I'm 29 with 11-12 to lose. Similar problem!
black bean and cheese quesadillas, yellow rice and some sort of TBD veggie.
fried chicken
pretty :)
Mainly this but I love all the nerd kind of love on this thread!
Self-hypnosis/meditation is what does it for me. To get started I used this particular CD that I took an affinity to that I found kind of relaxing. I set certain relaxation goals in my mind beforehand, and if I hadn't reached a certain "state" by the end of track 5, I started over. I became so consumed in the…
Depending on your activity, you may also just need to eat. When I was rehearsing 18-24 hours a weekend, I was always under my calorie goal on Friday/Saturday/Sunday and sometimes Monday but Tuesday I wanted to eat *all* the things. I tried to moderate, I tried to stay hungry, I felt just miserable. So I ate on Mondays and…
leg day ;)