DixonKels Member


  • Ok, did my official weigh in for the month! 2/1/10: 233 3/5/10: 228.2 CW: 223.3 GW 5/1/10: 218 Get me in the teens! I know it will be hard since we are going on a week long vacation Saturday but I'm going to try to be good!!
  • Hey everyone! I am back for April! I strayed away from MFP the last few weeks of March because of all my drama with the puppy, but he is finally getting back to his old self again. He is on his last round of meds so hopefully we can get through all of this! I plan on weighing in tmrw morning and I'm hoping I have not…
  • Good morning all! I am finally checking in for my weigh in that I missed on Friday! I am so happy (and surprised!) to say that even though this stressful week of not eating healthy and not making it to the gym that I have not gained! I lost .2 lbs. Not much, but I'll take it!! Here's my stats.... 3/5: 228.2 3/12: 226.6…
  • Hey everyone! Thanks for all the well wishes for my puppy =) He is slowly starting to recover, this week has just been crazy because we have been to the vet everyday to be on IV's or just being monitored. Sorry I haven't checked in all week! I will do my official weigh in Monday morning because we have another vet appt…
  • Good afternoon everyone! What a weekend I had...where should I begin? Let's start with Saturday morning.....I woke up to get ready for a short work day and went to feed and let out my 7 month old Lab/Pitt mix puppy. He had thrown up in his kennel over night =( So, I wrote it off as just maybe a little stomach bug and fed…
  • I am taking the GNC Women's Ultra Mega Active Vita Pak along with Chromium Picolinate. I love the vita pak because it has a great energy booster that doesn't give you a crash mid day!
  • I'm in for this!!! Especially since my husband and I went out to dinner tonight and I had (gasp!) chicken alfredo!....But, I only ate about half and still met my calories for today. This will be great because I always get off track on the weekends =( I usually do my weigh in's on Fridays with my other group, but I guess an…
  • 3/1: 229.5 3/5: 228.2 3/12: 226.6 Down 1.6 lbs for the week, I'll take that seeing as last weekend was horrible food wise. Good luck everyone!
  • [/quote] What are you doing to burn 700 calories just during nap time?! Even when I do an hour of cardio at the gym I can only get like 350-400 burned!! [/quote] I get on the treadmill and get going to 3.5 and then every minute I incline by 1 until I hit 12 and then stay there 2 minutes and work my way back down in 1minute…
  • What are you doing to burn 700 calories just during nap time?! Even when I do an hour of cardio at the gym I can only get like 350-400 burned!!
  • bump....dinner tmrw night!
  • Good afternoon all! I am a Georgia girl, and it looks like we finally might have some warm weather that will stay! I had a horrible weekend calorie wise! My husband wanted BoneFish for dinner Friday and I just can't resist that bang bang shrimp!! Saturday was semi- decent. I got in about 30 min of cardio ( better than…
  • Ok, so I had my weight wrong on Monday. It was 229.5, not 228.6. But I did my weigh in for this morning and was 228.2, so I am down 1.7lbs since Monday! =) I think weekly challenges would be great motivation for our group! Any one have any ideas??
  • I think we should come up with one to all do together, that way we can help each other along!
  • Do you like the taste of caesar dressing? You can mix 1tbs lite mayo with 1tsp lemon juice, a splash of worcestershire sauce , salt and pepper, and 1tbs shredded parm. cheese and spread that on an Arnold sandwich thin with some romaine lettuce and turkey or chicken. Mmmm so good, it tastes like a caesar salad except with…
  • Thanks! It really is good motivation! Every time I get that feeling that I don't want to go to the gym, I just start thinking about how much I want a healthy baby (and healthy pregnancy for me!), and it really makes me get my butt up and go! I was thinking maybe something in minutes, or even just trying to up your water…
  • Raw blueberries! They're low in calories and sugar and filled with anti-oxidants!
  • Count me in! I joined the site last year and was doing great, then fell off the wagon. My husband and I joined a gym last month and made a pact that if I can lose 35 pounds by September 5 (our 1 year anniversary!) , we can start making plans to have a baby. This is going to be great motivation! I weighed in today at 228.6,…
  • Ok I am still 228....but I just started yesterday so I'm keeping at it!! Hopefully I'll see 226ish next week. Any ideas to really kick start the weight loss?
  • Hey everyone! I just joined MFP today and this immediately caught my eye! I would love to take part! SW: 228 GW 4 wks: 218 GW May 10th: 198 GW ultimate: 165