jenntex Member


  • I don't do it often, but when I do I find it to be very helpful. Even just planning meals for a few days and knowing what I am going to eat helps to not make poor choices. Its challenging sometimes especially since I am not a good cook so it is hard to use what's in the pantry sometimes. But like I said when I actually do…
  • Hi. Sometimes when it is on sale I grab jarred baby food like squash and sweet potatoes. I add them into things like pancakes or even my kids mac n cheese. I find those to be easy add ins to get extra veggie and flavors.
  • I just went to the groups page to join (love this idea) but couldn't find it. There is another group that is outdated or almost finished that also pertains to no alcohol. do you see it under groups? am I just missing something? thanks!
  • Hi Everyone! I have been on Fit Pal for a bit but then fell off the bandwagon and today I made the decision to get back on. So glad to see all the new people and old ones getting motivated again! Feel free to add me too. I have a goal 40lbs by 40 yrs. I have 16 weeks left to hit my goal and I am down roughly 20 since I…