

  • Same thing happens to me but I am slightly intolerant of soy, even soy oils like soy lethicin, and anything I eat with soy stalls me out. Test yourself with soy milk! I'm not allergic but it gives me severe gastric upset to the point of ridiculousness. Gained 7 lb (albeit probably water weight) overnight once from a…
  • Thanks for your words of wisdom. I am going to search for that celery soup recipe then go to the grocery store (to pass some time before I eat again), sounds wonderful and warm liquid is always filling ... I have a 9 month old and his baby food is looking good today!!
  • This is not easy, eveyone is right that you must follow to a T. I did an extra 250 cal yesterday and gained back 1.5 lb. I am struggling to stay focused and not think about food as I am very hungry. It is so easy to eat an extra ccouple hundred calories! I lost 9 lb in first week since then I have hovered gaining losing a…
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