BrittanyBrines Member


  • You totally look so much younger! Great job!
  • Awesome, thanks so much everyone for the help!! I really do appreciate it. For now I am just going to do some lifting today and then later look into those programs mentioned above. :D
  • I am definitely starting to see results from the class (ie. weight loss, stomach becoming more toned, becoming stronger) but I've only been doing it for 4-6 weeks now at 3 days a week. I honestly don't know how much progress I should see by now. I do see some, but don't know if I'd see MORE from doing something else. :)…
  • Okay sounds good, yeah that sounds like an accurate description of my class. I am going to look into the heavy lifting programs now and do them like you said and see what happens. I am thinking I will like the results though. Should I be doing any other just plain cardio mixed in with what you said above or just strictly…
  • Thanks for the wonderful help so far everyone. I appreciate it. I'll see if I can find a picture of what I'm going for. It is hard because I am not comfortable posting a picture of myself, but I think it would be helpful to see where I am at currently too.
  • You are probably right which is why I am wondering if I should do mroe heavy lifting on the days of my class or do it on my off days. So for example, we will do walking jump squats with weights 5-8 lbs doing skull crushers. Or we'll do knees and punching with 8 lb weights. We do each of these things at least 32 times and…
  • Also, is it actually true that concentrating more on lifting heavy rather than a ton of cardio will help me to achieve my goal of slimming down and toning or is that false and I should be doing a ton more cardio to slim down and loose BF?
  • I would really like to keep doing my class. What if I did my heavy lifting and my class on the same day (I kinda do that anyways, I go in before class and do strength then we do a combo of strength and cardio in class) would that cause burn out or now? I don't want to burn out and I don't want to regress because I'm…
  • She does every muscle in class, but normally only concentrates hard on one area (for example, yesterday it was legs and butt. We did arms, but only because she does every area regardless...for example, we'll do squats with arm press...but with really light 3-5 lb weights). So even if we do that, should I take a break from…
  • Also I'm asking this before I exercise today because I want to do whatever would be the most beneficial toward my goal. I've been looking through th thread about women lifting heavy and the success stories in there are GREAT!! Really motivating me. Regardless I am going to start lifting heavy, but I didn't know how much…
  • Awesome, thanks everyone for the tips. I'll keep doing what I'm doing. I've also read that when you are nursing, you store fat in your thighs for milk production. I don't know if this is true or not...kinda hope it isn't because then I can loose it without effecting milk production.
  • Unfortunately there is no way to delete comments that are not helpful, but check out this link if you'd like to know why. :)
  • Awesome thanks for the tips. I'll look up that protein powder. And that isn't the answer I wanted to hear BUT I guess I'm glad to know I am doing what I need to be doing. Just have to keep it up and be consistent. Thanks!
  • Typically I do about 1500. I am 5.3 and normally range between 110-114. When I was riding every day I was easily 110. After having kids I would range from 115-120. I am 3 months post-partum and trying to get back down, but want to concentrate mainly on toning. I do cross training 3 days a week with HIIT workouts. On my off…
  • Just bumping for more views/tips. :)