

  • Hello fellow virgo, this is a great site to keep a food log and thats half the battle. If you are honest and keep track of what you eat you start to think about food in a differant way. Like the time I ate a whole pint of ice cream and had to look at the fact that it was 600 cal. 1/2 of my daily intake and I'm gonna tell…
    in Hi Comment by Zumbagrl July 2010
  • I used dancing/ arobics to figure my exercise for Zumba, I take 4 classes per wk 60 min. each. It is the only exercise that I ever really enjoyed. It ( the exercise calculator) probably gave me a lower cal. burn than I really use during a class but it gives me a good idea of where to start.
    in zumba Comment by Zumbagrl July 2010