

  • I had my belly button pierced about 10 years ago, I absolutely loved mine but it took at least 8 months to heal. I took my out when I got pregnant with my baby girl and have not put it back in. I want to get my re-pierced, but knowing how long it took to heal I won't be doing it before my trip to the Bahamas! Good luck!
  • Where is the "LIKE" button!?!? I love this, I have fallen off my weight loss journey. I still have 27 lbs to loose and just lost the motivation and want. Reading your post, actually brought tears to my eyes. I know that I can still pick up where I've left off and keep trying. Thank you!!!
  • Sissyjeng/ Jennifer Goal weight on February 29th: 165 lbs 2/01: 171 lbs 2/06: 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29:
  • Since I've hit a plateau going on 2 weeks now. I think February's 5 pound challege is a great goal for me. :) Count me in!!!