lipinskij Member


  • I have had this problem as well. Go find a hand weight, say a 10lb dumbbell and check its accuracy (I would use a digital scale personally). Then you will know for sure if it is correct. Also, always weigh yourself in the same state and at the same time of day! Good luck.
  • My success story: 1. Find an exercise you really love, for me it was Mountain Biking. 2. Use technology to track your fitness and calories. Counting calories is a MUST! 3. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded, and disciplined people who share your goals. I think a lot of people, myself included, start exercise…
  • Change up your routine. Try a different exercise that works another muscle group or something you actually enjoy. Don't be afraid to try new things! Good luck!
  • Snuffs, Sorry to hear you're struggling with IBS. I was diagnosed in 2009 with IBS. My advice is to start keeping a journal and track what bothers you and what doesn't bother you. is a great start. Try to keep notes on your daily intake and you will eventually find out that some foods just don't agree with…