

  • Hi all! My name is Kim and I am really excited about starting the 30 Day Shred! I've heard such great things about it! I am on a mission to get fit and healthy this year! I'm 28 and I feel like I'm fifty years older than I am! I have been so cruel to my body over the years and I need to change this desperately! So nice to…
  • Hi all, I have struggled with Bulimia Nervosa since I was 10, and Anorexia Nervosa while in my teenage years. I have had a hard time letting go of ED, it's been one of the only constants in my life. I went through a nasty separation, leading to divorce which triggered my Anorexia again in 2002-03, and ended up in the…
  • That's awesome emmy! I actually just changed my goal, so I have 35 lbs to go, but I will do it!!! It's been rough but I will succeed! :happy: Good luck to you too!!! :heart: