When ever someone calls me 'honey' and I don't like it, I can them 'sweet pants' or 'honey bunch' - they usually get the hint pretty quickly.
I am avoiding added sugar - I'm addicted so it's taken two years to weed it out of my diet and I'm still working on it. My downfall is usually cookies and doughnuts so I don't keep them in my house; if I want it bad enough to go to the store I get a single serving of exactly what I want. Today I was confronted with…
There's lots of food I just can keep in the house because I can't stop eating it! Cookies typically fall into this category. I've thrown out food and poured salt on it so I wouldn't pull it out of the trash and eat it. Gross out warning.....I wonder about my bowel movements when losing weight. do yours change? should it…
Could be depression.....Seasonal Affective disorder? See a doctor.
it's ironic this topic is at the top of my topic list because I am having real problems with this! I haven't had a BM in 5 days. My doctor told me at least 5 times that "it's good to go every day". I tend to go every other day and so does my dad. I'm going to the drug store today for magnesium citrate - my boyfriend says…