

  • Thank you so much for doing this! They keep getting better and better (and easier to follow) as you added the links and now the food with the link! I'm already incorporating some of these into my diet!
  • The Arnolds are AWESOME!!! I tried them a couple months ago and thought they were a great bread replacement. I had my dad try some and now he and my mom have switched too! That's a huge feat because they only eat bad food...all the time! I'm hoping some small steps here and there will help them out.
  • A stroller is a great idea. I find it to be very relaxing for me and my 4 year old son. I can walk and kind of zone out and my son brings a big dinosaur book to look through. That way it's fun for both of us. I have tried doing workout videos, yoga or the elliptical runner during the day when I'm home with him, but he…
  • I also like the special K meal bars. I did the 2 week challenge a couple months ago and found that they held me over nicely from lunch time unti dinner time! It was also a nice way to get some chocolate! :wink:
  • 5 weeks is an AWESOME amount of time to have not cheated once! You should be proud of yourself for that accomplishment instead of beating yourself up for one treat. I'm lucky if I make it 5 days without justifying some stupid junk food! I say you deserve the treat and get back to the healthy eating tomorrow! Great job!!!…
  • I recently tried flat outs for the first time too. I loved the pizza I made with them! I also did a wrap with dijon mustard, romaine hearts and some assorted was yummy! I love bread and have had a hard time getting away from bread at every meal. Flat outs seem like a reasonable alternative that can still keep…
    in Flat outs Comment by stewartmn June 2009
  • Thanks! I missed 2, 3 and 4 so I'll go look for those now! I'm also going to go look for the book!
  • Weekends are hard, but YOU CAN DO IT!!! Stay strong and remember that meeting your goals will feel so much better than indulging your cravings! Good luck...
  • This is great! Thanks for sharing! :happy:
  • put your money in the back of your car...that way at least if you're going to stop it's more work than it's worth! Then put a healthy snack in a bag next to you. If you're truly hungry, you can eat the healthy snack instead. I don't drive and there's no fast food in our town...this just popped into my head! Sorry if it…
    in Darn.... Comment by stewartmn June 2009
  • I love the spa motivation! That would make me feel so much better than a candy bar!!!:happy: Whenever I want to have a food "treat" I log it into my food diary. Seeing how that 2 minutes of chocolate enjoyment will screw up my whole day allows me to try logging healthier snacks and see how they fit in. Sometimes I get so…
  • That was a great article...thanks for sharing! People never believe that weight loss can be simple, but the title says it all. Changing little things here and there in your diet and exercise routine can bring about great changes in the way you look and feel.
  • I've had them for a couple weeks and I love them. I was pretty active before I got them and the cardio one kicked my butt! By the end of ten minutes I'm seriously sweating. The motto is "just push play" and it's so true because if you just try it, ten minutes is over before you have time to decide you don't feel like…
  • I've just completed week one of the two week Special K diet. I thought it would be a good way to kick start my diet and exercise program. I lost 3 pounds this week. I looked at the first tiny bowl of cereal my first day and thought I was going to starve, but it hasn't been bad. I find myself eating much more slowly and…
  • It seems like most healthy eating plans recommend 64 ounces of water everyday. I find it hard to even drink that much sometimes...I can't imagine drinking more than that. I have read in running magazines that drinking too much water is harmful, but I don't know enough about why to comment on that here! Hopefully you figure…
    in water Comment by stewartmn February 2009