funkeydunk Member


  • Hi There, I had a similar issue this year, I dropped 10 lbs. quickly then ...zzzzzz. it all stopped. I did some research on plateaus (loads of info out these) and started playing with percentages of macro nutrients (carbs protein fats). In other words I adopted a 40% protein, 20% Fat and 40% carb diet, this website allows…
  • If you need support, feel free add me. I coach people at work and i'm currently undergoing a transformation, which has had a nice side effect of weight loss.
  • Hi I live in north Birmingham, and have been a member of many gyms. Any idea what area in Birmingham, as there are literally hundresd of gyms to choose from.
  • Hi , I constantly use a Polar HRM and it too tells me I need to slow my HR down when exercising. It would seem that Polar still believe that the slow burn workouts (long Jogs over 30 mins, Bike rides, X Trainers) are the best way to loose Fat/Weight. however all the research I've done contradicts this and the results I get…