CooieNinja Member


  • Hyderabad, India. ^_^
  • Yup! That'd be me! xD
  • Nice to know there's someone my age! ^_^ And yeah, I do drink a lot of water. Its just recently that I've become weight/ health conscious(cuz I just realised that I gained nearly 13kgs in the last 2 years) T.T' Thanks for replying anyway. (:
  • Yeah, I'm gonna do that. I'll try to stop buying junk foods. xD I started exercising 3 days back(as soon as I joined MFP lol). I used to have a lot of physical exercise earlier because I was into sports and stuff, but now all that stopped. -_- Actually, I do drink a lot of water. Guess, I'll have to drink even more then.…
  • Hello! Where in India are you from? I'm from India too. Hyderabad to be more precise. Even I'm looking forward to shedding some weight. Yaay! Lets be buddies. Kay?
  • Today, for the first time in months, I went to the Gym. I spent 20 minutes on the treadmill and lost about 160 calories I think! ^_^ I did a bit of cycling(for like 10 minutes perhaps?) and did nearly 500 to 600 skips. Today's just the beginning so I that's enough I guess. But I won't go so easy on myself from tomorrow…
  • Hello Ashley! I'm new to Myfitnesspal too! :D I'm 17 and am looking forward to reducing at least 15 kgs! ^_^ (Maybe a little impossible) I would love to have someone to guide me as well. Even I've tried all kinds of things. Until 10th grade, I was quite active in sports and stuff. But for the past 2 years, I've hardly had…