samcorvus Member


  • 20grams of CHO and OMAD intermittent fasting will help. One meal is usually significantly cheaper than three.
  • Keep in mind that LDL and HDL are lipoproteins. So fats that are being mobilized in the body through the blood stream. One of the effects of fat metabolizing is that the body then has to move that fat to the liver for processing into ketone substrates and glycerol's. Of course that works in reverse too; your body can store…
  • The only way to spot reduce is lipo suction. Losing weight in a healthy manner will cause it to come off in reverse order of accumulation. Sadly for most of us the belly is the first place we gain so it is inversely the last place we lose from. As to exercises I repeat what the other guy said. You can not outrun a bad…
  • I'm doing a modified C25K program. Nicely using it to work on endurance at speed instead of just endurance. Instead of progressing like normal I'm doing the first three weeks over and over but increasing the speed of the runs each time. I've cut six minutes of my three mile run time so far. On alternate days I'm doing body…
  • Check out this forum. It had a lot of great information and helpful members when I wa considering whether to go Navy or Marines.
  • Thanks everyone. For those questioning why so few; yes the Corps will require more of me to pass the PFA. This is just the minimum I need to get to MEPS and get the ball rolling towards a set ship date for MCRD Parris Island. I want to get up to thirty pulls and a hundred push ups before shipping out. As to the crunches I…
  • Marine Corps to open infantry training to enlisted women Aug. 24, 2013 The Marine Corps will allow enlisted women to participate in basic infantry training beginning this fall as part of ongoing research to determine what additional ground combat jobs may open to female personnel. New female enlisted Marines will volunteer…
    in News Comment by samcorvus August 2013
  • :UPDATE:yesterday, I went to meps, and swore into the dep for the USAF!! The earliest I can leave is jan 7 but idk my real date...or job. Soon!!!: Ooup!
  • Keep calm and Semper Fi! Good job, good work, God speed!
  • Meeting with a Marine recruiter next Friday. Up to running two and half miles in half an hour a day. That's with having run my first mile two months ago. Up to six full push ups from absolutely zero a month ago. Not sure of the weight as I'm not weighing again 'till September. Still can't do a pull up to save my life.
    in MEPS Comment by samcorvus July 2013
  • Keep Calm and Semper Fi!
  • Greetings, My set goal is fifteen hundred but most days I have trouble reaching that if I eat clean. Six feet two inches tall. Two hundred and thirty ish pounds. Need to lose those last thirty ish pounds. Down from three hundred and thirty plus pounds not this last January but the January previously. I run low intensity…
  • Post deleted because I recognized after posting that it had nothing to do with your question....
  • Meth.... Then when I stop laughing at their reaction I explain that I eat primal, workout six days a week alternation between C25K and Convict Conditioning. While taking METH. Or a Metabolism, Energy, Testosterone, and Health supplement stack. All vitamine shop supplements. Basically caffeine, creatine, and a multivitamin.…
  • My advice is do not do it if you can avoid it. I went off plan this last weekend and am still paying for it. Nothing I ate tasted anywhere near as good as I remember it did. I lost my energy and slept rather poorly. I also gained fifteen pounds, mostly water I know, and after two days am still five pounds up. If I had it…
    in Cheating. Comment by samcorvus June 2013
  • Every time I fall I have a hard time getting back up. I'm a sugar addict, can not handle even a little without majour symptoms, which makes it very difficult for me to get back to the no grain or sugar aspect. The only thing I can do to get honest with my diet is total elimination. I just refuse to eat any of the things…
  • :smile: Paper work makes the world go 'round! I'm reminded of a demotivational poster I saw about bureaucracy. It was a man atop an M1A1 handing his credentials to a security guard at a base check point.
  • I meant physically copying it out by hand helps me. So basically I plan on hand writing the entire book including the illustrations. Something about doing that makes it click in my head.
  • I've always found writing things out long hand helps with remembering them. I can read something a hundred times and still have trouble with idedic recall but if I've put pen to paper I can usually get it verbatim.
  • Why Navy? As sappy as this might sound I've been in love with the sea my entire life. Especially with the age of romance/reason. My specialty has always been eighteenth/nineteenth century warfare and can still sit for hours reading about naval engagements and tactics. One of my all time favourite series is the…
  • Group, Greetings, My name is Seth and I'm planning on joining the Navy as either a sailor or Marine. I feel career wise Navy Corpsman is the way to go but as a fat kid I've always felt that if I can get through MCRD Parris Island I can accomplish anything. If I do go Marines I'll try to get a cryptological linguist or…
  • A family that PT's together stays together. Try getting your kids involved. Or PTing in the morning with him.
  • Thanks everyone. Definitely going to check out the 'fat bombs' you mentioned. I've started cooking with coconut oil but putting it on veggies, while delicious, is counterproductive with the carb issue. That and I can only eat so much bacon.... As to butter and ghee...well no dairy means no dairy for me. Trying to cut it…
  • If you want to follow mfp's guidelines for weight loss you'll eat back your exercise calories. However I've never really seen the point of this. Why bust my butt for two hours just to turn around and negate all that effort by eating that much more. I tend to keep to my daily goal and not worry about the net effect.…
  • The lock screen on my phone is a picture of the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor with the slogan "Keep Calm and Semper Fi" on it. So I do that. I stop freaking out over the giant piece of Oreo pie on the counter and stay faithful.
  • Group, How are we doing? I've been redoing my C25K working on increasing my endurance at speed. So far I've gotten my run down from 42 minutes to 35 minutes. Almost a pass.... Still can not do a full pull up to save my life but I can do a couple half pull ups now. Sit ups are roughly the same. Hope all is going well with…
  • Perhaps you've reached a level of cardiovascular health greater than what you were originally. The body will only increase HR if it needs to move more volume to compensate for O2 use and CO2 generation. If you're stable it will not increase. Try increasing intensity and see if that helps. If it does not I'd say you've…
  • Started running again. The USN chief threw me into a bit of a funk for a while. Getting back into conditioning. Lost seven pounds this week, mostly water but I'll take it. Building up my strength again but nowhere near where I was a year ago, before the new job, when I stopped training fully. Looking to really make a final…
  • If you have smart phone zen labs has a pushup conditioning program. It's free if you do not mind the annoying adds. It works on the same principle as C25K in that it slowly builds you to greater and greater strength. I've not started using it yet but it might be what you're looking for.
  • The man I talked to was the chief...reporting him to himself seems somewhat...unproductive....