

  • Hi all! Storytimemama here. I'm a mom, wife and librarian in Georgia - an incredibly hot place to train for anything, lol! I have run some 5 and 10k's, used to be on a swim team...I haven't biked much as an adult but my thought there is that picking it up will be like...riding a bike :) I began my training yesterday for a…
  • I know it's probably terrible with all the preservatives, but I buy frozen meals all the time. I'm not a picky eater so I just buy whichever brand is on sale that week at the store - Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones or Healthy Choice. Then I'll get steamer veggies and heat those up in the micro to add to the meal. Just a freezie…
  • I'm allergic to aspartame so I was never able to have a Diet Coke. Then my husband and I saw the Soda Stream machines last fall. We tried it out and bought one immediately (we are suckers for live demos, lol) but the sodas you make at home are GOOD! The regular ones have less sugar than normal Cokes and they use cane sugar…