KatieP1981 Member


  • I have now been taking belviq since April 26th. I have lost 7lbs just by eating less. A person shouldn't eat a full plate of food at every meal. They should eat a normal amount of food, but that is hard to do when you are ALWAYS HUNGRY. This medicine has worked wonders. I don't have painful hunger pains and no headaches…
  • Some of you are missing the point of Belviq. It is not just a "diet pill" it is a tool to help curb hunger. You can eat healthy all you want but if you are not getting satisfied and full you will keep eating. Just because it is healthy food; fruits, vegis etc. does not mean it is good to overeat these either. I had been…
  • I know this sounds very 1980's but I drink slimfast every morning for breakfast. It fills me up for almost the 4 hours it claims and is only 200 calories when using skim milk. I usually have 3 or 4 snacks from 11 am to 1pm and then a light lunch and healthy dinner. I cut out pop completely which was very hard to do-I was…