The only way to know for sure to track your caloric intake and weight over a long period of time. You can take your average weightloss per week multiply it by 3500 and add it to your total calories eaten per week then divide by 7 to find TDEE. TDEE = Calories eaten + weightloss (in pounds per day)*500
Django Unchained is one of the best movies I've seen in a long while, but it's not for everyone. It's incredibly violent, has some very disturbing scenes and can be hard to watch/hear at times. That being said, if you like Tarantino, I'd say it's his best movie. Lincoln was amazing. Incredible acting, great period piece,…
Well $100 gets you a 10lb bag of ON whey, while the $15 is for 2lbs of body fortress. So times 5 gives $60 and if it has half the protein content per scoop then you're really paying $120 for an equivalent amount of the body fortress stuff.
Not really true. As with just about everything, you get what you pay for. The protein used in the body fortress brand is lower quality, does not dissolve well and it appears that the actual amount of protein per scoop is over estimated.…
A dozen eggs, 960 calories
Half of a 5 hour energy. I didn't actually get around to eating until 4pm today.
You can see the muscles more clearly, making them look more muscular. Heavy people generally have a decent amount of muscle just from moving around their bulk all the time and eating a calorie surplus, so when they cut away the fat they end up looking pretty muscular. Extremely overweight/obese people CAN gain muscle on a…
Stop buying food that you don't want to be eating. Also, whenever you're thinking about eating something, drink a big glass of water, wait 5 minutes and if you still can't stand to be without it, then eat it.
12 lbs in 3 months is totally doable. Just set your MFP goal to 1lb of weight loss per week and be consistent and dedicated.
Weight lifting. An hour of weights increased my TDEE by 500 calories on average. So that's 500 calories burned per day for 1 hour of weight lifting 3 times per week.
Just try to keep your workouts to around an hour (+/- 15 minutes) if possible. High intensity exercise for over an hour (especially weight training) can lead to increased stress hormone (cortisol) levels.
Banana, tbsp of peanut butter and a glass of milk.
Lose more fat...belly fat is often the last to go. The only way to get rid of it is to keep on a deficit.
I do that in two meals usually (intermittent fasting). It's not that hard to eat 2400 healthy calories. 3 eggs, 3 strips bacon, 1 avocado, cup of spinach, large tortilla, 2 oz cheese, handful of nuts, coffee + protein powder, 1 package black berries is about 1200 calories and really healthy.
Stronglifts 5x5 is a good one as well.
Death from Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine (the whole album)
Eat a surplus, lift heavy weights. If you're new to lifting, try a beginner program like strong lifts 5x5 or starting strength.
Two main factors contribute to plateaus: Metabolic adaption and muscle catabolism Metabolic adaption occurs whenever you eat a calorie deficit for a prolonged period of time. Your body decreases your metabolism because it sees this as a famine or some other kind of hardship and it doesn't know how long it will last. To…
^^ this
Eat higher calorie density foods. Just start adding a few things to your meals like sliced avocados or a handful of mixed nuts. Put some extra olive oil on your salad. Start with little things like a few extra grams of healthy fats at each meal and work up from there.
How long have you been jogging? If it's less than a month, then don't worry about it. As a woman you can really only put on about 0.5lbs of muscle per week (max) and that usually requires full body resistance training and a calorie surplus. Most likely you've started storing some extra water in your muscles to help them…
If you spend more time on your feet than on your butt then do lightly active. Otherwise, do sedentary. Better to err on the side of caution.
Fuel is generally glycogen. If you're in a severe calorie deficit your glycogen stores don't get replenished. Each molecule of glycogen is bonded with 3 molecules of water, so when you rebuild your glycogen stores you gain a bunch of water weight.
bump, needs to stay active
In general, meal replacement shakes aren't going to make you feel as full as a caloric equivalent amount of real, nutritious food. Why not eat 2 hard boiled eggs and some carrots or some plain greek yogurt with berries instead? (2 eggs + 1/2 cup of carrots has 200 calories, 13g protein, 10g fat, 6g carbs) Also, shakes are…
If you love pizza then eat it. Pizza actually has pretty good macros (get it with lean meat like chicken and some veggies). Make your own and use low fat cheese and less oil. Or just eat less of it when you eat it. There really is no alternative to good pizza, everything else is just a pale imitation.
Well, take it how you will but as far as I can discern, this is the only third party study of protein content in protein supplements that has been done to date. His methodology is pretty solid (comparing powders to research grade protein isolate) and his large margin of error is probably something on the order of +/-…
(Non-official) Assay of protein content in popular whey protein brands. Body fortress only has half the protein content they advertise according to this test.
Look into leangains, great program for exactly what you're trying to do.
You could try intermittent or alternate day fasting for a few weeks to see if that jump starts things.