

  • My wife was having real problems losing weight, as in no weight lost for months, and she too tried eating really low calories (>1000) per day and exercising, but her weight still did not budge. She finally went to see her Doctor and had blood work done, and that indicated there was nothing physically wrong, but she did…
  • From what I understand, the body gets rid of things that have been a part of it, eg.. in the blood stream, stored fat that has been converted to fuel, through the liver, kidneys, and lastly through the urinary tract, water helps this process. The stuff that come out the intestinal tract, is mostly the left over byproduct…
  • I do not know about the validity of this exert or that expert, I only know that for me I started all gung ho on this weight loss attempt and I was actually losing around 2 to 2.5 lbs per week, and that was drinking water only, and about 3 weeks ago I started drinking diet soda again, I did not lose any weight for that…
  • Thanks to everyone for your help, you get so much conflicting information from TV, its nice to hear from people who are actually using a product and it not affecting their weight loss!