

  • I do Jillian Micheal's Thirty Day Shred with weights and she does the 3-2-1 method. If she does the same in your workout then I would say put the workout under strength training. As for the calories burned, I suggest you get a heart rate monitor. Although I am guessing that level 1 would be anywhere from 150-170 calories…
  • here is a link i found for you where you input your weight and time spent working out on the trouble zones workout video and you get the calories burned! hope i could help
  • my advice is to look it up on google because they have pretty close estimates for all of jillian's workouts! i do her yoga workout and i love it :) so keep it up and good luck on your search
  • wow im proud of you for shoveling dirt when its that hot!!! sry i dont kno the calorie count but im sure you will burn a lot! :) im a wus and stick to exercising at the gym so you're my hero
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