ChristineKirk Member


  • Hi, I'm in the uk, have a look at the link below. It's where people from the uk keep in touch. Welcome aboard.
  • Thanks James, holiday was great. Your doing really well, it seems a long way off to get anywhere near target for me at the moment.
  • Hi, got back from holiday on Sunday gained 3.5lbs, managed to lose 1.5lbs of that so far, target for the rest of this month is to get below 200lbs, so need to lose 2.5lbs for that, hoping to get down to 195lbs. Fingers crossed.
  • Hi All, This is my first post, I've managed to lose 9lbs in the first 3 weeks, would like to to lose another 8lbs this month, but I am going on holiday on 27th August so will have to try and be good whilst away. Heres hoping! Good luck everyone