ViRoot Member


  • I'm still surprised at how those individuals got to be in their position, but I know they will not last long. I also know that you're an amazing artist and person who will be remembered by many! Their memory will live on through us and our kids on how NOT to treat others. It is important to be physically healthy - this…
  • Hi, guys! I am getting married March 16, 2013. :)) Hoping to be a fit and healthy bride. Good luck to everyone! I'm sure we'll all be beautiful in our dresses!
  • I've gotten the pregnant question while going to the doctors for an annual checkup. The lady first asked when I was due and I politely told her "no I'm not pregnant." She looked surprised then asked, "Oh! How many kids do you have?" I told her I didn't have any kids and sat there a little surprised that someone would go a…
  • Amazing job!! Looks like two different people but with similar hair styles. Congrats! :))
  • Amazing job!!! Congrats!! :))
  • Sorry to hear of your experience. It's disheartening to hear that idiotic groups try to discourage others. Were they particularly young? I've read that younger individuals give into peer pressure easily as the self control part of the brain has not fully formed. Add that along with group think, and you have an equation for…