

  • If you search breastfeeding in the food search area it will come up and add calories to your total. It adds 500 for me, is that the same for everyone? As far as the recommendation to be at 2000 calories; that probably makes sense, and obviously, if your doctor recommended it, I'd follow it. But, keep in mind, if you eat…
  • I love peanut butter and bananas. I put a tablespoon or two of peanut butter in a shallow dish and microwave it for a few seconds (maybe 30 sec on 40% power?); the peanut butter is soft enough to dip the banana into it or pour over the banana. Also, if you freeze the banana then pour the melted peanut butter over it it…
  • I weaned my son at about 14 months (he's almost four now and I'm back at it again with my almost 8 month old daughter); at that point he was only nursing right before bed. I don't know that I even had any milk left, I think he was just doing it for comfort. Do you know if you are still lactating? I think its great that you…
  • Thank you so much! I never would have found that. I don't want to use all of those calories every day but there are just some days where I'm STARVING. I know myself, and if I feel miserably hungry I won't stick with it; I need to be able to feel satisfied but not go overboard.
  • I just goined MFP this week. My daughter is almost 8 mos old and I'm BF'ing her as well. I wondered if there was a way to add more calories to my day for that; can you please tell me where you found that? I too have about 15 (realistically) - 20 (hopeful) lbs to lose. :smile: I've lost about 17 since I had her but needed…
  • I've been doing the 30-day Shred DVD but you all are really making me want to try some of these other workouts! I just joined MFP today and want to get serious about getting the last 15-20lbs of baby weight off.
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