

  • MFC - EBB Anastaciak - angelic29 - ArmadilloNZ - Atalantanz - bonandbax - BylesFam - cadiam - carleybarley - carleybarley CountryMummy - CountryMum darkstartrails - Kluger debsilou - debsilou dejaca - romeosmum Dejay50 - dejay* denz100plus - Denz Excited1973 - Excited footykam - fourbees - Goat1976 - Goat jordanandkylie -…
  • I'm finding I'm not eating heaps because I am determined to up my water intake (just to click on that little arrow to make the number bigger) so felt quite bloated after lunch! I'm always almost on the verge of dehydration so my body must be thinking 'what the hick!' (as wee DS would say lol)
  • I couldn't find the scanner anywhere until I went to "add" food to my diary via the phone and the little barcode was there Cadiam... I've been rummaging throught the pantry scanning stuff but it doesn't recognise marmite! There are still some sticky buns in the pantry but the thought of having one for lunch and then adding…