

  • I did it last night...more suffered through it, however, today I feel great, barelt sore at all! It definitely helps with the motivation :)
  • Today is day 4 for me, I was miserably sore yesterday but today I'm barely sore at all!! :) Makes me feel so much better, I was worried that at day 10 there was no way I could move up to L3.
  • I don't feel anything in my abs except right at the edge of my ribs close to my sternum. My thighs are so sore today that I worry that I'll be able to do anything with a squat tonight. I need to go up to more weight in my handwieghts because I don't feel it in my arms but I might have to wait until level 2 because right…
  • I probably should have streched more, maybe I will do that tonight and see if it helps but I'm definitely more sore today than I was yesterday. I thought about a rest day too, because I always heard that if you are really sore then you need to rest your muscles; however, I don't think that is what the workout is intended…
  • Today will be day 3 for me, thought I was going to get up and workout before work, however, realized I was so sore I could barely move. Can anyone tell me at what the point the soreness gets little better, yesterday and today I could barely get up the stairs!
  • I took pictures but not measurements, which I should really do, from what I've heard it's inches more so than pounds with this workout.
  • Hello everyone, new here...hoping to find some much needed motivation/support to lose some weight and inches. I am on day 3 of the 30 Day Shred...I thought I was going to get up early before work and do this today, but geez I could barely move when I got up. My thighs are so incredibly sore, I could barely get up and down…