

  • Makes total sense to me, I often have to say out loud to no one in particular that some food items are just "Not MY Food!". Generally this applies to sugary, fatty items. :)
  • Skinny Cow or WW Frozen Fudge bars. 100 Calories that I save for that. I can't eat it and work on the computer, so I savor every bite and don't do anything else while eating it. I also can't eat cold foods fast so that helps with the savoring part. Seems to keep me out of the kitchen, although some nights nothing will.
  • Thank you all for the support, friendship offers and encouragement. I started at the first of the year, lost 2 pounds gained them back plus 1 and then did nothing. I have been walking when I can, but adding that in has been hard. I wound up so frustrated after 4 weeks that I ate myself sick for a week. Back on track and…