

  • I would love to reply to all of you individually, but my Internet connection is so slow that it would take an hour to do so. But, I really want to thank all of you for the many thoughtful and helpful advice. You guys are awesome. I believe I will be able to break through this barrier and start losing again. Yes, I do weigh…
  • Hi, I woke up this morning and weighed in like I do every morning and found that I am the same weight as yesterday. I was feeling pretty sad too. I started dieting back in January and by July 14, I had lost 24 pounds. And I wasn't really trying, you know? Just cut out the sweets (Little Debbie was my best friend) and…
  • You made some good points but, there was something that you wrote that I found rather troubling. You wrote that it didn't matter if you ate the same amount in calories of sugar or of healthy food....and if it is under the total of calories you burn in a day, you will still lose weight. What?! Actually, the body has trouble…