MaiaTh Member


  • Is anybody out there doing this challenge? Good day except for after weight lifting I used my free meal to binge on sugary carbs. Next time I think I'll schedule a really high calorie, high protein but healthy meal after lifting so that I don't go for the sugar. Maia
  • Cristina, Not too late to start! We just started. I also carry fat around the middle and am a vegetarian with a young child. Let's support each other!
  • First day went well for me. I almost blew it snacking with my daughter while she watched a video with friends but had eaten so well the rest of my day I was within my goals by the end of the day. Almost didn't get any exercise but at the last minute I packed my daughter into the stroller with her dinner, and strolled her…
  • Ok, it's Sunday night. Are you ready to start on Monday morning? Groceries purchased? Workouts planned? Here are my goals; Find a way to make this diet sustainable for me most days find exercise buddies keep the belly fat to a minimum fit comfortably in my skinny pants Diet; 1500-1600 cal/day average over a week 3 free…
  • Margaret, I sent you a message and a friend request. Maia
  • I would love it. When do we start the challenge? Would anyone like to be "food buddies"? We could state our food goals and give friendly encouragement to stick to our food plans. I find I need someone looking over my shoulder a bit so that I stay accountable for what I'm eating. Otherwise I get totally off-track. Maia