I can't quote everyone but I appreciate the thoughtful and honest responses. It's also good to hear from guys. I am already a member of one site and will update my photos. No point in going inactive since I'm already on there. I will wait on joining the other site until I feel great about me.
I've thought about that. . .I definitely wouldn't want to appear out of shape if a guy wanted to do something physical for a date. That I imagine would be unattractive.
I agree and I guess I'm not there mainly because I'm not dating a lot. . .then again, if someone was interested in dating me despite me weight, I don't think I'd be like "what's wrong with him?" I think I'd be fine with that attention.
I hear you terp but I agree with Mike on this one. . .I would prefer to put a face and body shot up. I definitely don't want to mislead anyone. But, I think putting a body shot with quotes about working out and doing a 5k are good ways to let guys know that you are into physical fitness or are trying to get there. . .One…
Thank you. It totally makes sense. I also post both head and body shots because I would NOT want someone to be disappointed meeting me in person. Of course, that could still happen but I would be honest in this regard.
This is where I'm torn. I am happy with myself as a person and I think I have a lot to offer, but I would be lying if I said I am happy with my body. However, it's just one facet of myself that I am working on. . .I don't condemn men who want a fit body type at all. I just wish I didn't feel like that was the only thing…
This seems to be a recurring theme: wait until I feel comfortable. Currently, I do not. In 40 lbs, I know I will be.
Thank you and congrats on your weight loss. I personally would not reject a guy just based on weight but I know that men are more visually oriented. Looks are important and men can't see my glowing personality LOL. The attraction is based on pictures and a great profile is the icing on the cake. I'm not morbidly obese but…
Thanks for your response. In general, I have healthy self-confidence and wouldn't settle for any treatment for the sake of having a man. However I am sensitive about my weight. Maybe I'm not at that point where I can handle rejection.
You look gorgeous!
150-165 is a good weight for me (which is what I was in college).
I just started getting into Christian music again and that's the main playlist that I listen to on my mp3 player. The WOW CDs are amazing and have introduced me to a bunch of new artists: Natalie Grant (Your Great Name) Hillsong (Mighty to Save, How Great is Our God, Lead Me To the Cross) Sanctus Counting Crowns Kutless…
I was thinking about joining WW online again then I remembered I was a subscriber to MFP! I think both are similar but MFP is FREE which is a plus. I also gave up on the WW system early and lost money. I'm going to challenge myself to log on to MFP every day and go from there. I probably would have joined WW if there was a…