brandyosu Member


  • I cut them out cold turkey. It took 3.5 days. Every day, when I felt the headache coming on I would take a couple of over the counter pain killers and chug lots of water. The second day in I really, really needed a I took one. After that I was fine. I didn't drink any soda for well over a month until 1) I was…
  • Happy logiversary! You look fantastic!
  • One day doesn't make or break you - tomorrow is a new day.
  • Do you have access to a computer? If you have something with a screen that is large enough (even better if you have a way to stream it to television) there are TONS of exercise videos available on youtube.
  • I have cheat days and they work for me. I have just learned to know what to expect - that some foods aren't going to taste as good as I remember, that I will possibly feel full a lot faster than I would expect (these days I quit eating when I hit that mark to avoid discomfort), and I usually carry around 1 - 3 pounds of…
  • Depends on what kind of sweet you are looking for and how much. When I want something candy sweet, I will eat a Ghirardelli Milk Caramel square. When I just want a general sweetness, I will usually pick fruit like strawberries or a peach.
  • I haven't done rewards for hitting specific milestones...I have indulged in myself more, though. For example, I bought a nice purse for my birthday (that was around my 15 pound mark) and I've bought a cute new top here and there. I did, however, tell my husband that if I'm able to get back into a bikini he should be…
  • I haven't purchased one yet because I'm still overweight enough that my eyeballing/logging methodology is working just fine. BUT when/if my weight loss comes to a screeching halt, I'll be purchasing one before creating a "help me" thread. :)
    in scales Comment by brandyosu July 2015
  • A serving of this: Plus a serving of this: It's more than 219 but still under 300, and VERY tasty!
  • This will be helpful for the homemade marinara sauce sitting in my freezer! Thanks for sharing!
  • Good job on your weight loss - you look fabulous! And GREAT job on learning to love yourself and treat yourself right!
  • This. It's different for everyone. First place I noticed was my stomach (THANK GOODNESS!!!).
  • Ah, yes. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. I do this exact same thing. I don't know what to say to alleviate your doubts as mine always exist in the back of my mind as well...but, if you are doing the right things now and continue doing the right things I have to believe that it will continue to work and that you (and I)…
  • The symptoms that are a hallmark of thyroid issues can often have other sources as well. Your best option is to talk to your primary care provider and they will likely have some lab work done to confirm or rule out an issue with your thyroid. For what it's worth, I had fatigue issues for a long time and never thought to…
  • Love, LOVE avocados. Pretty sure I could live on guacamole if I had to. This is a new recipe, so I can't vouch for the taste yet (but what's not to love?) but this is what I'm making for my side with dinner tonight:
    in Avocados Comment by brandyosu July 2015
  • This. Oh, so good. :)
  • I make this recipe using tilapia as stated but it would probably be just as amazing on any other mild fish. This is one of my go-to dishes for busy worknights. Tilapia filets are fast and easy to thaw, and you can literally be plating your dinner (at least…
    in Fish Comment by brandyosu July 2015
  • I mostly eat tilapia. It is very mild.
    in Fish Comment by brandyosu July 2015
  • I am older and don't go out nearly as much as I used to but my husband and I still meet up with friends at a bar at least once a week. I either drink a glass of wine or I drink water with lemon. What I consume is my decision, not my friends'.
  • I'm 5' 5.5" and I have a goal range rather than a goal weight. At least for the time being. I would like to be somewhere between 130 and 145. It's been a while (a LONG while) since my weight has been that low and based on body changes (pregnancies, etc.) and age I'm just going to keep working away and see what I look like…
  • My mother actually noticed I've lost weight. That may not seem monumental, but if you knew my mother you would understand!
  • Yes, I do. It isn't for everyone but it works for me.
  • I think you and I started the same day (although I started logging a week or so later but the 27th is when I cut out my daily sodas cold turkey). I haven't hit a plateau yet, either. I've done well enough so far that it somehow feels like I am cheating. I've read enough feedback about plateaus from other threads on here…
  • Mine is open but there isn't much of interest there, I suspect. I don't usually log my cheat days - those would be VERY fun. LOL My treats tend to be small things, like a square of Ghirardelli chocolate with caramel. Or an Izze drink. I eat a lot of nuts and beef jerky as snacks, too. My dinners are usually pretty tasty,…
  • I used to travel a lot for work and it was always nice when I was somewhere near a coast so I could try out the nice seafood places. But, I travel no more (yea!) but I am in a landlocked state. SO, I mostly use frozen fish. We do have a grocery store that provides some fresh options but I haven't been brave enough to give…
  • balsamic pork tenderloin and broccoli au gratin. Oh, and a glass of vino. Nom nom nom!
  • At a size 8/10, you would be considered my skinny, hot friend! Boobs only seal the deal. :smiley:
  • I weigh myself daily. I know that isn't for everyone but it helps keep me motivated.
  • I generally have room left, so I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner at least two or three nights a week.
  • You can do it! When I was first dating my husband, I was the one that was always asked to "bring the bread/drinks" when we went to potluck-style gatherings. I burned microwave popcorn, I made a frozen pizza with the cardboard underneath it (more than once, I might add). Now, I cook on a regular basis and people even think…