brandyosu Member


  • I won't get into any of the debate above but here's a tip for OP. I'm diabetic and on a medically supervised Keto diet. So, NOT the Carnivore Diet but definitely low in carbs, which you are about to be. I apologize if this is something already covered by the program - I've never looked into the Carnivore Diet. Anyway, if…
  • A few things 1) I finally hit ONEDERLAND (okay, that IS a scale victory but I'm just so freaking happy about it!), 2) I was finally in a situation with people who hadn't seen me in a while and they were amazed at how great I look. I still have around 60 pounds or so until goal, but I definitely do NOT carry weight well. 3)…
  • You are doing great! Good job reinvigorating yourself and figuring out how far you've come and why it matters to you!
  • I'm down two full sizes to a size 14. Went to the store today and on a whim decided to try on pants the next two sizes down. Got the 10s up to my hips and got the 12s all the way up and almost buttoned. They would have been too tight to wear out in public if they HAD buttoned/zipped but just seeing that made me realize how…
  • I eat full fat of anything I eat. One of my absolute favorite things to eat is twice baked cauliflower. SOOOOO delicious! It has sour cream, cream cheese, parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese AND bacon in it. I just make sure I watch my portion size (or, have the calories for more if I'm going to take more than one serving). It…
  • Down 33 pounds so far and I do have cheat days. As more time passes, though, I have found that my cheat days are closer and closer to my eating patterns the rest of the time. I didn't even gain water weight after my last one. I say do whatever works for you. If that is a cheat day, go with it. If it isn't, go with that.…
  • Yep...but not related to losing weight. It's either things I have tried and disliked or haven't tried and have no interest in trying. Example: crab brains. My husband tried some on a trip to Japan and his description of the taste alone was enough to make me decide that would never be crossing my lips.
  • I haven't done this in years but when I was still single and living alone, I would order pizza delivery of a medium or large pepperoni pizza and I would eat every last bite. At the time I was maybe only 15 pounds or so overweight...but I went out dancing a LOT and I guess that helped offset at least some of those calories.…
  • Argentinian butter garlic steak, broccoli gratin, a glass of wine...and maybe a handful of grapes if I'm feeling saucy (and have enough room left in my tummy, which is doubtful).
  • I generally have a glass of wine 3 - 4 nights a week. I just make sure I have enough room in my calories for it.
    in Alcohol Comment by brandyosu August 2015
  • Two things: 1) I went to buy some new jeans because mine were starting to have problems staying up - discovered I am down two full pants sizes! Woot! 2) I've caught at least two random guys checking me out when I was driving around in my car. I haven't been able to turn any heads (other than my husband, who loves me no…
  • I do this...LURVE them! But only occasionally since the acid is bad for your teeth.
  • I promised myself that I wouldn't turn 40 weighing what I did when I turned 39 and then I did absolutely nothing different for almost the entire year. Learning that I was prediabetic, though, set the wheels turning in my brain. There are so many illnesses that can strike that we have zero control over. But Type II…
  • Several years ago I went on an extreme low carb diet (yes it worked, but I hated it). I was constantly on the lookout for recipes that could mimic things I had been used to eating. So, one day I found a recipe for pancakes made from pork rinds. I made a batch, doused them with butter and sugar free syrup and thought it was…
  • Went shopping this weekend and was able to buy clothes that were not in the plus size section! I'm still very plus and have a long way to go, but hellooooo cute XL tops and size 16 bottoms!
  • Ask questions you genuinely want to know the answers to and then pay attention to her answers. And remember that relationships may take a little work, but they are supposed to be a lot of fun. If it feels like the reverse is true then it is time to reevaluate.
  • I have cheat days. My expectation is that I will retain 2 - 3 pounds of water weight after a cheat day and it is generally gone within three days. Honestly, it helps make my weeks feel shorter, keeps me focused on the here and now and how far I've come and not so much on the big picture and how far I still have to go.
  • Making a sopapilla cheesecake for a friend's surprise birthday party. Pretty sure I will be wolfing down some of that. :)
  • I wish it hadn't taken a health concern to be be the final straw that finally set me on the right path. (IE Why didn't I want to take care of myself when I was younger than this?)
  • I was able to sit on my bathroom counter and paint my toenails last night. I haven't been able to do that in a really (REALLY) long time!
  • Tell them no and stick to your guns. I was out at a social event with a friend last night and she really wanted me to just "blow it off" and eat and drink a bunch of crap with her. I told her no, that I had already logged what I intended to put into my body and then I stuck with it. I'm sure she was really disappointed but…
  • Every morning. It's just my routine. I weighed daily even when I wasn't tracking...of course the scale was moving in an unpleasant direction, but I still weighed.
  • I don't consider myself on a diet and I correct anyone who tries to say I'm dieting. I've finally realized that I needed to make changes that I had avoided making for a long time. I haven't given up anything I enjoy, I've just learned to eat more of some things and less of others and it's a change that makes me happy and…
  • Now if only I had run across this back when it was originally posted. But yes, I had all the motivation in the world and NOTHING worked until I made up my mind to do something about it. As soon as the decision was made, the rest fell into place.
  • I just started doing this. I don't know if I will do it every day but I've found that I have a sense of ease and accomplishment when I know how my day is going to go from an eating perspective. Example is that I rarely eat out but I am going to a painting class with a friend tonight at a local restaurant. I have already…
  • I have problems sleeping. I was averaging between 3 and 4 hours of actual sleep a night. Things that have helped 1) discovering that I had really bad allergies all year long and not just spring and fall and actually treating them 2) seriously cutting back the caffeine. I still only average between 5 and 6 hours a night of…
  • OP - you can do it! I was on the "tomorrow" plan for YEARS until I finally realized tomorrow had a way of never arriving. So, I made up my mind to do it and started on a Thursday back in April. Been going strong since.
  • Learning that in addition to my high cholesterol and hypothyroidism, that I was also prediabetic and headed on the crazy train straight to Type II. My last straw, I suppose.
  • Like your thread title - you do look great! Congrats on getting healthy!
  • Two things: 1) I followed along with a 25-minute dance cardio video yesterday and not only did I keep up, I didn't even feel like I was dying. (Buy oy, I have sore muscles in places I had forgotten about today!) 2) I'm wearing a shirt that I had been unable to even get over my head...and not only that, I'm wearing it…