Very Good Very Happy for you You are an inspiration to me cant wait till my appt next month for blood work to see how mine went down as long as I am losing weight as I have been my doc wont put me on meds..She will be happy with my success so far..Good Luck and best wishes.Kathy
Good for you Its pretty funny that my underwear is too big... I had to breakdown and buy a pkg of new ones also when I did the wash the other day I threw away a pair of pants that were way too big and I was still wearing them after i got them outta of dryer I just said screw it Im not wearing them anymore. I bought 2 pair…
you have beautiful family cuties they are Im an grandmom and mine are teenagers but still cuties have a super day.
welcome you cannot be a failure you have taken a great step on joining mfp Congrats keep up your positive attitude...its really amazing after you start keeping track of your of wishes to you..kathleen
You should be proud of yourself..Your whole family look great..Beautiful family you have. Best of everything to you and yours. Good Job!!!
Hi there welcome Just wanted you to know I was recently told i had type 2 also. I have been always a great cook and I have been crusing the cookbook aisles and i am having fun trying new recipes with ground turkey and other items i never tried and its working I lost 3 lbs this week and am able to have fun trying new…
i made just recently turkey chili for first time i used jennie o turkey ground it was really good and healthy
You have the prettiest smile along with a beautiful face. Way to go its not always easy but you are a beautiful person and such a beautiful woman..Good for you. I cant wait till i can loss that much. But it is a day at a time. Good wishes for you. Kathleen
good job, chelle you look great in fact you look like a different person before and after. keep up the good work. I ahve to say it is easy using this site and has helped me and i have not missed a weight class thru my insurance plan i have meet alot of nice people and have passed this site onto others. Please keep us…
Hi to you too I just joined thanks to my daughter. Its nice to make new friends Welcome new Friend. Im always here to help and be helped thru this New Journey we are all taken together. Happy New Year to all and the best of wishes too,,,Kathleen
Kirsty I have to totally agrre with you. Good for you...thank you for your encouragement Kathleen
One Day at a Time.. Dont beat yourself up!!! ItsNOT DIET Its your new Journey to being healthier and be able to be there when your children can be able to play and be proud of you. I have been on all the diets but recently being diagnosed with Diabetes I took a look at what I want out of life at 61 yrs old. My youngest to…
Hi My name is Kathleen and I am 61 years old will be 62 in May. I am severly obese and I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I have started my new Journey with Diabetes classes and weight Control classes thru my health plan, I recently retired and I am home all the time and running out of things to do to keep myself…